Our School
William Dimsey established State School 2041 on the 15th June, 1878. During the building of the school, lessons were held in the Methodist Church. Most families were Cornish, one family (the Henders), had 22 children. The school hoped to cater for Hollinwood, 3 miles out of Creswick on the Clunes Road.The school itself was very attractive and well kept. It was a weatherboard structure with three large rooms and a high-pitched shingle roof, on a 3 acre site. The building itself was transported from an unused school site in Ormond, 12-15 miles SE of Creswick. The building was ready for use on February 2nd, 1880, but as it provided for much less than the required numbers, the church building was still required to be used for some time. A staff of five teachers were employed, including the Head Teacher.

1886 - 1905
During 1886, the site became fenced at the end of the year. This was mainly due to the annual destruction of windows and tanks during the Christmas vacation from 'the lads' coming home from the mines after midnight and passing through the school grounds as a shortcut home.
In 1888, new wooden rooms we added to the schoolhouse. From May 1893 to December 1902, during the depression, and with little warning, the school amalgamated with Creswick State School 122, as a cost-saving measure. There were 127 enrolments at the time. North Creswick operated just the infant classes, with the remaining going to Creswick State School. This caused a huge outcry from the parents. Mr Dimsey was the Head Teacher of both schools at the time.
In 1902, the Department of Education became convinced that the two schools could operate independently as separate establishments. Creswick North school attracted almost all the pupils from the area between the two schools, where it had been anticipated that it would be evenly divided. The anticipated attendance was 150-175, and ended up at 242. Mr Munguvan, a teacher at Creswick, left to become Head Teacher at Creswick North. Due to his popularity many children left Creswick to go to Creswick North.

1905 - 1938
In 1905, whilst renovations were carried out, the Methodist Sunday School Hall was rented for about a month to accommodate about 120 junior pupils. About the same number of senior students were able to carry on in the school wherever they could find a classroom free of workmen.
In February 1909, two blocks between the schoolhouse and Alfred St were offered to the school for extra play space, for the bargain price of 25 pounds.
A house from a deceased estate was bought by the Department of Education in 1910 for a 'teacher's residence', however, remained empty until at least Dec 1911 whilst renovations took place.
In July 1911, a contract to remodel the existing buildings was put forward. Once again the Methodist Sunday School was rented for the 157 students. In 1921, repairs and external painting were carried out.
During 1925, falling attendance forced the school to sell 40 double-desks. It still retained the piano and the sewing machine though. In March 1937, the Parent's Club began operating.
In 1938, the committee of 'Old Scholars' Association set up a fund and with generous donations from past scholars, erected gates at the front entrance of the school. Over 400 people attended the opening of the memorial gates on Easter Saturday to mark the school's diamond jubilee. The gates were opened by John Graham. A birthday cake, with 60 candles, was cut by Mrs. H. Pearce, of Creswick, the oldest lady scholar. She was presented with a silver cake lifter, and Mr Graham with a pair of gold scissors as mementos.

1939 - 1964
Whilst being painted, the north wall caught fire but was quickly put out in 1939. In February 1940, electric power and lighting were installed. Power was turned on by local resident and past pupil Leo Thorpe. During the war years, little work was done to the school.
In June 1946, some old 70ft pines and old gums were removed and replaced by an avenue of new trees to honour the 48 ex-pupils who served in the war. Following the closure of Mt Rowan School in 1946, the shelter pavilion of that school was moved to Creswick North in 1949.
Five more old pine trees were felled and sold to a firm of saw-millers in 1951. The money was used several years later for the painting of the school. In 1957, enrolment was 57 students.
In 1963, approval was given for the repair and replacement of the defective flooring, but before any work was done, the school was destroyed by fire. The paint was being burnt off using a blow lamp, quite a dangerous practice at any time and even more so in summer.
On a Thursday afternoon in January 1964, a fire in the ceiling destroyed the building and most of the school's records. In less than 1.5 hours, the school was a wreck. With tinder-dry timbers in the 80-year-old building, the fire spread with amazing rapidity. Damage to the building was estimated at 7000- 8000 pounds. Lost in the fire were a wide range of teaching aids, including the piano, and quite a bit of the head teacher's personal belongings. Fortunately, some of the equipment was saved, including both the North Creswick and Hollinwood honor boards for soldiers of the 1914 - 1918 and 1939 - 1945 wars.
The school community was shocked but fortunately there was a very strong parent and past-parents committee. One of these people was Selwyn Geddies. a vary community-involved perso. The Education Department did not think that North Creswick waarnted a new school, and that the students could all go to Creswick PS. Mr Geddies sprung into action, strongly supported by the school community, and lobbied for a new school.
Pending the building of a new two-room weatherboard structure, with a small office, the North Creswick Recreation Hall served as the temporary school, opposite from where Flemo's is now. In February, the school committee began transferring any remaining desks and school equipment saved from the fire, to the hall. Members of the school community were hard at work with brooms, scrubbing brushes and hoses, cleaning the hall and scrubbing blackened desks and chairs. 57 students were enrolled.

1965 - Present
On February 27, 1965, the school building was officially opened by the Hon. J Bloomfield. Mrs Jane Howard, who attended the original school in 1878, assisted in the unlocking of the school doors. In 1968, the school's enrolment numbered 47.
The school celebrated its centenary in 1978 over the Queen's birthday long weekend. Former pupils travelled from all over the state to be present at the gathering.
In 2021, the front entrance gardens were cleared for reducing the risk of bushfire, and a new landscaped area was created. A new BBQ area with several picnic tables has been created near the Multi-Purpose room.
A new playground was added in 2022, near the pine trees, making it 3 playgrounds available for the 39 students attending. An outdoor classroom was also added in place of the old rebound wall which was starting to crack. The outdoor classroom consists of tables, chairs, bench seats and a shade sail. The old pine trees are starting to be cut down.
In 2022/23 a bike track was added with a bike storage shed, and the chook shed rebuilt.
In 2024 there were 47 students, and a new Junior Inclusive Playspace was built with shopfronts.