School Programs

Bike Ed.
We are currently building a bike track at our school which will support our bicycle program.
Students are also involved in the YMCA 'Re-Cranked' program where they learn how to fix and maintain bicycles, some of which are donated back to the community to those in need.
Every Friday is Bike & Scooter Day, where the students can ride during recess and lunch breaks.
Breakfast Club
Every Tuesday and Thursday before school we provide Breakfast Club in our Multi-Purpose room. It is run by parents, and the food is supplied by Foodbank, as well as the Creswick Country Bakery.

After-School Care
We offer Outside of Hours School Care, run by OSHClub.
They provide activities such as crafts, cooking, games and science club.
It runs from 3.30 - 6.00pm every weekday.
The Mobile Area Resource Centre (MARC) Van visits us each fortnight. Students do some special activities in class with the MARC Van teacher and can borrow books from the Van.

Our students link in with the local Angler's Club and learn all about fish identification, baiting and casting. This is followed up by a fishing day at either ST George's Lake or Lake Dewar at Myrniong. It is one of the most anticipated days of the year by students.
Vegetable Garden
We are very proud of our wonderful vegetable garden, All students help look after it and take care of it.
We grow lots of great produce like corn, zucchini, tomatoes, strawberries, rhubarb and more. We also have lovely sunflowers and lots of fruit trees.